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UK Energy Label Update 2021-2023 : What You Need to Know About the New Changes

UK Energy Label Update 2021-2023 : What You Need to Know About the New Changes

Comparing the New (POST-2021) and Old (PRE-2021) Energy Efficiency Rating System in the UK: Understanding the Changes and Benefits

Increasing demand and limited supply, the energy prices are the main concern for households across the UK and it also reflects in the buying behaviour of consumers when it comes to buying home appliances. These days’ appliances are sold on the basis of their energy efficiency rating because of the increase in energy bills in the UK. New Energy Efficiency rating scale (EER) helps the consumers to understand how the appliance is energy efficient which helps them to make a decision about their purchase and also it will have less impact on the environment.

New Energy Efficiency Label

New Energy efficiency scales using a label is based on rating system from A-G, where G is the least energy efficient and A is the maximum energy efficiency.

Old Energy Label

In contrast, old or pre-2021 energy rating was measured on the scale of A+++, A++,  A+, A, B, C and D. A+++ was the maximum efficiency.

Difference Between Old and New Rating Labels

A+++ (ENERGY COST SAVER) is now equal to C or D depending on the type of appliance.

The scale was updated to make it easier to understand. However, it has become more confusing for the consumers.

Here Are Some Examples to Clarify 

Bosch WIW28301GB 8kg is an integrated washing machine. It was A+++ on the old scale now it’s rated C according to new scale.

Hotpoint NFFU191X1 is a freestanding fridge freezer which was rated A+ on old scale now has been awarded F on new scale.

Now, A+++ does not exist so A has the highest energy efficiency.

Why Change in Rating label And What Are The Benefits?

Lower Energy Bills

Reduced carbon footprint: Environmental Benefits

Improved Performance

Longer Lifespan

Technology is improving with every passing day which continuously leaves a room for improvement and progression. The old and new energy efficiency scale is one example. New energy rating scale system has enabled the manufacturers to do new innovations, use latest technology and make more energy efficient products. It is designed to provide consumers authentic and relevant information about the product’s energy efficiency. A+++ is now C or D which means manufactures will make now B and A products which will consume even less energy than A+++.

One significant modification in the updated labels is the inclusion of a QR code that offers users additional details about the product’s energy efficiency and running costs. The QR code is scannable with a smartphone or tablet, which will provide consumers with more comprehensive information besides what is displayed on the label itself. New energy efficiency measuring scale will definitely cut the cost of utility bills. There will be a drop in electric bills because of new energy saving home appliances.